Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Uprooted by Naomi Novik

January 2018

Let me say that before I started it, this seemed to be right in my wheelhouse-a little bit of fantasy, a little bit of adventure, a little bit of romance...ok, I'll buy it.  Couple of pages in I was like, this is Hunger Games all over again.   To be clear, I LOVE The Hunger Games. I've read the trilogy three times and I am certain I'll read it several more times before I turn of the lights.  That said, I'm kind of over knock off HGs. But then it morphed, and I was like, well, maybe its a romance, 'cause any one who hates on their "teacher" in this way and then doesn't end up in bed with him is a pretty poor romantic lead but she was a good lead...but then, well, it morphed again...the traditional small girl fights the big bad world...and then there was the best friend angle and that went unexpected places too...and well, at the end of the day Novik really, really reached and I think she got there, but barely.

I wanted to send her a letter and tell her that the fantasy story is usually told in three books which she managed to cram into one delightful story.  I also wanted to let her know that the two sex scenes were...uneccessary?  They took away from the book instead of adding to it.  Galbadon can get away with it in Outlander because, well, Jamie.  But it did not really work for me here.  So, there were holes in the method and execution but the ride was fun and fast moving; story-wise I certainly got more than I could have hoped for.  I ended up rooting for our heroine and was satisfied with the ending.

Liked It- score:  4
