Forgotten/Buried/Exposed ...Twisted Cedar Mysteries Trilogy by CJ Carmichael
I stumbled on these books when I was perusing what I like to call the Nook "cheap reads" section. Most of the time you get what you pay for; see my post on His Baby Bond ...eeee gods! In this case, the first book in the trilogy was a cheap read offered with the hope of drawing you in and getting you to buy the other two which were progressively more expensive...but let's keep it in perspective in the final analysis I think the whole trilogy was like eleven dollars and fifty cents so we're not breakin' the bank here or anything. These books were certainly worth the price of admission. The Twisted Cedar Mysteries follow one main thread over the course of the trilogy. True crime writer Dougal Lachlan is drawn into a decades old unsolved crime which continues to fester and develop even as he and his sidekick try to pin it down. Lachlan reminds me a little of Balducci's heroes (which as I've written before, I find somewhat indistinguishable from each oth...