The Perfect Nanny by Leila Slimani

Pretty much what the title implies...its a "horror" story about a nanny.  This one doesn't seduce the husband and start breastfeeding the baby; its a little more subtle then that, but still.  You feel a bit like the family is taking advantage of the nanny; you feel a bit like the nanny is losing it.  Ultimately its more about the mental health crisis in our world then anything else which in this wrapping is frankly not all that compelling.  By halfway through the book I just wanted it to be over cause I really didn't care about these people and was only vaguely interested in how the book resolved.  If I'd had another book waiting in the wings I probably would have just skipped to the end to satisfy what curiosity I did have and bail on the rest.  As it was, I'm a fast reader so I only wasted a couple of hours.

Rating:  #8 Only As a Last Resort
