Second Son Trilogy (Shamon's Crossing/Forest Mage/Renegade's Magic) by Robin Hobb

I'm a HUGE Robin Hobb fan.  To date, I have not read a book by her I did not like.  If that's the standard, this trilogy met it.  But beyond that?  Not so much.  This trilogy went on and on and on.  One of the recurring themes (thematics?  something) was the impact that the book's magic had on the main character's weight.  I found that whole thing overbearing (huh-see how I did that...aren't I clever...not) and overwraught (how the hell do you spell that?) and frankly annoying.  I was not a fan of Nevare, I ultimately did not care much about what happened to him and at the end of the day I was really just happy the books were finally over.  Sorry, Hobb, as much as I love you, this particular series did not do it for me.  If your a fan and you have the time, of course I'd read these.  If your a fan and you don't have the time, you shouldn't feel to bad about skipping.  If your not a Hobb fan?  Pass.

Rating:  #5 Good Enough
