If, Then by Kate Hope Day

I'm not sure that "dystopian" is the right description for this novel (dystopian-relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice), though each of the characters does have their own moments of suffering.  Its science fiction-y, but not too over the top and in most sci-fi, the characters are well aware that they are in a sort of fantastic situation for whatever reason and here, they all seem to be struggling just to deal with their generally normal lives. 

The novel is set in a town on the edge of a mountain (in Oregon I think) and a handful of neighbors are the focus of the story.   Over the course of the novel they each start to experience odd visions of themselves in alternative realities.  Some of the "visions" come across as hallucinations; some as live experiences.  The twist for me was that by the end of the book I was not really sure which "lives" were being lived in the same times...all the way until close to the end I thought there was a "real" time and an "alternative" time and that each character was occupying these zones in the same way.  Turns out (out least in my reading) that one person's "real" might have been another's "alternative"...and as the reader, where does that really leave you at the end of the book?  What actually did happen-and when, and to whom?

Rating:  #5 Good Enough
