The Wild Dead by Carrie Vaughn

The Wild Dead is book two in The Bannerless Saga and I read it right on the heels of book one.  Like, I finished book one, ordered book two on the Nook, and kept right on reading.  I liked both of these books and look forward to the next book in the series.  While I'll read mysteries, its not my favorite genre, but I'm always happy when I stumble on one that piques my interest.  The Bannerless books remind me a bit of Tana French's mystery series (NOT The Witch Elm which I didn't particularly like) and I found myself warming up to Enid (don't worry Cormoran your status as #1 is still safe) slowly as I made my way through her stories.  I was quite sad to part ways at the end of the book.  No word right now on when the next book will be out but I will surely be pre-ordering it.  And I'm going to take a shot at her Kitty Norville series in 2020...

Rating:  #3 Enjoyed It Very Much
