Categories and Grading Scale

Category Name/  Code #  /Category Description  and Other Designations

Best Book Ever /   #1   /  Recommend to everyone and anyone. Books that would make this list? Hunger Games and East of Eden

Fabulous/   #2   / Maybe not Best Book Ever category because there are some readers who it won't work for. Game of Thrones for example...there are some who couldn't handle the length of one book, not to mention a whole series, and not everyone likes fantasy, and the gore and sex would be too much for some

Enjoyed It Very Much/  #3   / Not Fabulous because it just does not go over the hump but still, a good book. I expect this category to hold most of the books that I really enjoy because Fabulous and Best Book Ever are such high standards and Liked It/Good Enough are just not quite explaining how I feel.

Liked It/   #4    /   Liked it...nothing more, nothing less. Probably half of the books I read fall into this category.

Good Enough/   #5   /Didn't like it per se, didn't dislike it. Wouldn't recommend it, wouldn't discourage it. Not necessarily a waste of money or time, but probably wouldn't dedicate those resources to it again.

Bearable, Just Barely/   #6  /  Probably a waste of resources but there was something about it that was ok.  If-you-have-nothing-else-to-read-try-it

Eh /   #7   / You need a book to read 'cause its what you do, but there is nothing out there that jumps out at kind of have the sense from the start that its not going to be "all that" but you are so desperate that well, you do it anyway. Probably a waste of resources but, whatever.

Only as a Last Resort /   #8   /  if you have nothing else to read and a storm has wiped out your tv and internet options. Otherwise, you're better off watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy (again) on Netflix. Waste of resources.

Terrible-Don't Bother /   #9  /  Category title speaks for itself. If your options are reading this book or twiddling your thumbs and staring at the wall, better to get those digits movin'.

Other Designations:

Stands up to Multiple Readings    *SUTMRS

Read it More than Once It Moves on the Scale    * RIMTOMS   can apply to a book in any category, though expect it to apply to those at the top of the scale most often

Didn't Even Finish It   *DEFI
