Pendragon by D.J. MacHale

Josh needed a book to read for school.  I have an entire bookcase in the basement full of young adult/old children's books.  Granted, the majority of these are my old Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew books, two copies of Wilder's Little House series, various versions and copies of Harry Potter (hardback, paperback, old and in between), L'Engle's entire collection, the CS Lewis books and so on and so forth...but there are also various books the kids bought over the years from the Scholastic Book offering (yes, they still have those) including this gem which seemed right up my almost 5th grader's alley.  We read it over the summer (yes, I still read to him at night and will continue to do so until he kicks me out-sharing books with my kids is one of the things I enjoy about being a parent, going all the way back to Boynton's But Not the Hippopotamus books of their infancy) and he loved it.  He wanted to read the sequel right away but some other book jumped in line then something else...I'll track the sequel down for a Christmas present. 

This book is a fantasy story about a young man who follows his uncle into a time and space warping subway station and finds himself in the center of a battle for the independence of a place and people he had never even imagined existed.  Checking all the boxes, there are friends, enemies and frenemies, there is individual heroism and personal growth, there are battles and sneak attacks and costumes and fun...all the good stuff that a 10 year old loves to read about.  Well written?  Eh.  Best book I've ever read?  Far from it.  Perfect for a going into 5th grade boy who needs to get some reading done over the summer?  Yup.

Rating: Hard to rate on my normal scale due to the nature of the book and the reason I read it but it was perfect for what it was supposed to be so given that as a parameter, it gets a #3 Liked It Very Much.
