Siracusa by Delia Ephron

I've written before about my affinity for the bargain shelf at B& win some, you lose some.  This little diversion was somewhere in between.  Told from the points of view of two couples vacationing in Italy, its part the latent unraveling of the two marriages, part psychological thriller, part mystery...I had low expectations and it exceeded them so that's something.  I also read it in like a day and half so that's also a tick in its favor-no wasted time.  As chick lit goes, it was pretty satisfying.  As literary candy?  Not so much.  If you have the time and the inclination and its cheap (or free!  check out your library!) go for it-there are worst ways to spend your time.  Looking for the one book you want to read in the next few months?  You can do better.

Rating:  #5 Good Enough
