Jacob Have I Loved - Katherine Patterson

Oldie but goodie...I loved this book as a kid, I loved this book as a teenager, I loved this book in college and I love this book now... one of my all time favorites.  If you haven't read it, I highly recommend. If you haven't read it in a while, I suggest you drag it back out. 

I hate to even try to describe it but here goes...its a coming of age book set just before, during and after WWII on a small island on the Chesapeake Bay which in conjunction with Micheners' Chesapeake will forever inform my sense for what this part of the country is like even though I've been there half a dozen times myself.  Louise's angst is both uniquely hers and broadly applicable to every teenager in the world.  Her love-hate relationship with her sister, her complicated feelings for her best friend, the family's tolerance and care of an aging, wasting elder-it all still resonates deep and true with me today.  I'm trying to convince my daughter to read this book and she simply has no patience for my recommendations but I'm going to keep pushing it until she either caves on her own or I find the right situation to offer a bribe...

Rating:  #2 Fabulous

and the all too rare designation of "SUTMRS"... (stands up to multiple readings)
