Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh - by Robert C. O'Brien

I read this book first in 3rd grade...or rather, my third grade teacher read this to me.  I still remember sitting in her classroom waiting for her to read the next chapter to our class.  Teacher friends, don't ever think you don't impact your do, even 40 years later! 

This year I read this book to Josh and we really enjoyed it.  Not going to describe the book except to say that I had forgotten Mrs. Frisby's youngest daughter was named Cynthia and I had also forgotten how desperate the escape from Nimh was and that only two mice made it out, the rest having been lost in the desperate attempt to flee.  There were whole other parts of the book I had forgotten which I was pleased to revisit as if for the first time.  Josh and I looked forward to bedtime every night so we could find out what happened next and I'll admit I was even a little miffed when Jason put him to bed one night and read a chapter without me so that I had to play catch up... Highly recommend to the kids, also highly recommend reading it to your kids if you still have them at home-neither you nor they will be disappointed!

Rating:  #3 Enjoyed It Very Much  (and I think Josh would agree with this too)


  1. One thing I'm very much looking forward to is reading to my son before bedtime every night once he's old enough. Of course I've already mapped out certain candidates, and will add this one to that list. Do you have others that you recommend? I imagine we'll definitely go through the Oz and Harry Potter series.


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