The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett
So I was on a bit of an Ann Patchett run this winter. I just loved her State of Wonder so much I was inspired to read everything else I could get my hands on. The Patron Saint of Liars was pretty good, though the descriptions of the book don't do it justice. I thought it was very much about a woman (Rose) who just goes through life without ever really deciding exactly how or why she is doing what she does. She's not deliberately cruel but she is cruel nonetheless, to her first husband, to her mother (who she actually does love) to her child , though that seems to be more indifference than cruelty...she is not a bad person shes just a "drifter" on the sea of life. I found the setting compelling, the characters enjoyable and the story kept me wanting more. The writing was, of course with Patchett, great.
Solid #4 Liked It
Solid #4 Liked It
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