Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Though the reviews on it are extraordinarily mixed, I fall on the side of liking this book.  It tells the story of an young woman who is raised in Nigeria, comes to the US for much of her young adulthood and then decides to return to her home country. Its ostensibly a love story, though not really.  It sort of a coming of age, but not really.  Its hard to define.  I found myself liking Ifemelu (even if I never did really figure out how to pronounce her name) and enjoying her journey.  I liked that she lived in a country and a culture that I have little real life experience with, and did not find it at all odd that even so, there were so very many things that I did relate to.  I was sort of lukewarm on the various love stories but liked that she ended up back home again.  I'd recommend this book, especially if you are looking for something that does not fit nicely into the traditional coming of age in the US book.

Rating:  #3 Enjoyed it very much
