The Edge of Lost by Kristina McMorris

Well, I picked this book up sometime this year and did not get around to writing it up until now.  I'm looking at the title thinking, I don't remember a THING about this book.  I googled it and the description did not help.  So I pulled it up on my Nook.  Yes, I ordered the book.  Yes, I apparently read a good part of it.  I seem to have gotten to page 265/341 and apparently bailed.  So put this in the "didn't even finish it" category.  Even after all that, I still don't remember much about it and I made no notes while reading it.  My vague recollection is that the book itself did not track with the description on the cover and if I stopped reading it part way through, it must just have not been that interesting.  I mean, I will sometimes not finish a book because I don't like it-those I generally remember and have strong feeling about re: why I did not like it.  Its very rare that I just stop reading a book and don't even remember why...this book seems to be utterly forget-able.  Maybe someday I'll hit it again; sometimes a book will resonate in one time in your life and not in another.  To be determined. 

Rating:  Didn't Even Finish It
