I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella

Yikes,,,ever heard of "chick lit"?  This is a classic that deserves the label.  The protagonist even has a properly chick-y name:  Fixie Farr.  Poor Fixie is stuck being the dumping ground for a family of losers who can't see the forest for the trees.  Her mom's a mess going through a late mid-life crisis, her siblings are clueless hanger-on-ers, her boyfriend (of sorts) is a dweeb who even our fictional Fixie should not have fallen for and her hero, well, he's picture perfect straight from a movie and somehow (classicly) she doesn't even see it.  Other than being a little too over the top and far fetched, its your typical romance ...the final sentence in the description on the back of the book says more than I can say:  "Will she finally grab the life, and love, she really wants?"  Oh dear, Fixie, please do!  Its more than I can stand to see you waste away for a single more page!

That all probably sounds more harsh than its meant to.  I Owe You One is probably right in the middle in terms of delightful romance novels-if you like those, go for it.  Get your fix on and be proud of it!  I support books and readers no matter WHAT your preferences so if this is your genre, take a stab at this book and I doubt you'll be disappointed.  Have different ideals?  Just pass.  Me, I like a good chick lit every now and then to clear the palate so it was good enough for the time and place in which I read it.

Rating (considering it falls squarely in the chick lit genre):  #5 Good Enough
